
Our 77th Annual Exhibition will be launched on 9th November at 11 o'clock.. Opening is expected to be performed by the Mayor of Gateshead (to be confirmed) and followed by presentations. There will be about 100 paintings on display in all mediums, sizes and genre. The Exhibition continues for 5 weeks to Sat 21st December 2024.
The Shipley Art Gallery is open Tuesday to Saturday 10.00 to 16.00. and is located on Prince Consort Road Gateshead.

The 75th Anniversary Annual Exhibition opened on 11th November 2023 and concluded on 16th December.
(all Exhibition images of the paintings have now been re-sited to indiviual artists' galleries.)

The Exhibition was opened by the Deputy Mayor of Gateshead, Cllr Kath McCarthy who expressed appreciation of the art on view and congratulated the Society on the 75th annivarsary and of its activity at the same venue The Shipley Art Gallery.
Chairman Alan White introduced the proceedings and Jackie Reynolds. Head of Governance, Finance and Resources for Tyne and Wear Archives and Museums congratulated The Society on its work and the anniversary and gave background to the history of its exhibitions and the work of TWAMs.throughout the region.
The Deputy Mayor presented Commendations to three artists, Irene Ayre, Jenny Dyson and Harry Bell for their outstanding work. Click Here to see them and photographs of the presentations.

Pictured left, The Deputy Mayor addressing the gathering in front of the main exhibition and right Jackie Reynolds speaking. Below is a view of the exhibits in the Shipley Lounge. .

2023 Exhibition D Mayor
2023 Exhibition Jacky T&WA&M300
2023 Exhbn Marlyn300


The Summer Exhibition at St Mary's Heritage Centre (near the Sage) concluded at the of August 2023.


The 2021 Annual Exhibition was launched on Saturday13th November and officially opened by the Mayor of Gateshead Cllr Dot Burnett. The Exhibition, at the Shipley Art Gallery ran until 18th December 2021.There were 17 sales from the 85 paintings exhibited, 20%.
The painting's images from this exhibition have been relocated to individual galleries and a selected few can be seen if you - Click Here
Three paintings were awarded commendations and to see them and also the winning painting in 'The People's Choice Award'. Click here


Annual Exhibition 2020
All ambitions to exhibit last year (2020) were subject to Government guidelines and and it's further announcements meaning the planned five week Exhibition was initially reduced to two days in December and even this too had to be cancelled as the Region went into tiers 3,4 & 5 Covid restrictions and The Shipley Art Gallery closed again.
In response to these difficulties we prepared an on-line virtual exhibition for this web site which launched on 21st November 2020. This has now concluded.
Although it was an on-line Exhibition it was still, as usual, a selling exhibition and uniquely for us ten paintings were sold through the web site -this equates to nearly 12% of the art displayed in the Exhibition.

Our planned Summer Exhibition at St Mary's, Gateshead Heritage Centre in July/August 2020 was cancelled due to the Covid 19 emergency measures.

2019 Critique
Participating artists with Sue Deighton at the critique of the Exhibition in November and (below) Sue in full voice giving pointers and views painting by painting -all 116 of them.

2019-11-21 crit group 300
2019-11-21 Sue Deighton crit300

Critique of the 70th Anniversary Exhibition by Sue Deighton
Shipley Art Gallery November 2018

2018-11-17 Shipley Exhbn group crop

Some of the exhibiting artists photographed with artist Sue Deighton (standing -red top) at The Shipley Art Gallery, Gateshead with a display showing aspects of both the history of The Gateshead Art Society and The Shipley Art Gallery.

2018-11-17 Shipley Exhbn SueD AllanW

Sue with Allan
all photos J Fullthorpe