Link text here...Scroll down for items on; demonstrations, Exhibitions, Trips, Focus Group, Alla Prima afternoons etc.
Exhibition Critique with Claire Cave
29th November 2024
Artist Christine Cave visited the exhibition in November to give us her views on selected works. Her observations and advice were wide ranging covering techniques in pastel painting, presentation and framing amongst others. It promptied many questions and debate on an enjoyable afternoon.
Below She is photographed in full flow with some of the group and also with Allan during a session of more than an hour and a half..

Outing to Unison Colour and Bellingham
Members perusing and listenening to the wonders of pastel manufacturing at Unison Pastels located in remote Northumberland.

Photos; A White, W Drea
The Exhibition Crit, December 2023

Critique of the 2023 75th Anniversary Annual Exhibition by Claire Money above and with Chairman Allan White.
18th August 2023Demonstration in Oil Painting by Michael Ewart
Michael gave us a demonstration and talk as he painted a cafe scene in oils from one of his own sketches. This became an entertaining two way conversation in the art of handling the medium and it both delighted and informed members over the two hour session. We look forward to seeing Michael again in the future.
Below are some photographs of Michael progressing through his work and some of the members in attendance taking it all in.
(photos by A.White and W. Drea)

Pen and ink drawing presented to us by Ann Dawson of Amble. It originally belonged to her grandfather Super-intendant Tom Spratt of the Alnwick Police.
Marshall Atkinson was one of the founder members of the GAS back in 1947.

Anne Dawson with Allan White and the drawing by Marshall Atkinson at the Shipley July 2023
Critique of the 2022 Annual Exhibition by Clare Money
Clare Money was our critical friend again this year as she enthusiastically cast her eye over this year's collection at the Shipley. She reviewed all the paintings but limited most of her time to the work of the artists who were there. For those who attended it was well worth the two hour session of observations and critique from an expert and well respected Northern artist. We hope to see Clare again during our 2023 programme for a demonstration.
-photos A.White

Opening of the 2022 Annual Exhibition at The Shipley Art Gallery (below)
The Mayor of Gateshead Cllr Dot Burnett with the Director of Tyne &Wear Archives & Museums, Keith Merrin and the Society vice chair John Fulthorpe.

The Mayor presenting the Highly Commended Awards to, from left, Anne Roberts, Jeff, Stamp and Tim Griffiths. click on Highly Commended paintings to see the them
The winner of the People's Choice Award this year was Jenny Dyson. Her painting ' Evening Snow, Low fell' received the most votes from the public.'
Pictured below, Winner Jenny Dyson with her winning painting 'Evening Snow, Low Fell'. See it full size by clicking HERE.

Some of the Exhibition's contributing artists (above)
Demonstration: Painting Industrial Landscapes 29th April 2022
Artist Clare Money spent an afternoon with us chatting about her art (and ours) while she demonstrated acrylic painting of local scenes. The first was in the old port area of Chamois (below right) and the second of a dockside crane nearby. The two hour session went in a flash and left us with two superb paintings from an accomplished local artist.

Photos A.White
Alla Prima Afternoon
The alla prima session at the Shipley workshop had an entry of 13 artists. The winner by artists' vote was the painting 'River at Ingleby' by Audrey Drynen. Congratulations to Audrey and we hope she enjoys the well deserved prize -a lindt chocolate Easter egg with truffles. The winning acrylic painting is reproduced below.

Retirement of Jimmy Swaddle from the Tyne and Wear Archives and Museums.
A small presentation took place at The Shipley Gallery to mark Jimmy's retirement from T&WA&Ms. The photographs, below, show the chairman of our Society, Allan White, thanking him for his valued help and contributions to the Society's work over nearly 40 years and presenting Jimmy with a printed memento of the Shipley, his work there and reproductions of 18 portraits completed by members of the Gateshead Art Society especially for the occasion.
Jimmy was invited to choose one of the portraits to take away He is photographed below right with artist Doug Stevenson holding the selected charcoal painting.
We warmly wish Jimmy well for a long and enjoyable retirement.

Photos; S.Lewis, J. Fulthorpe
Critique of the Annual Exhibition.
North East artist Clare Money visited the Shipley on December 3rd 2021 to view and review the displayed work of the Society. Members were pleased to find her observations over the 90 minutes period she spent analysing and commenting on each painting both instructive and supportive. Clare, pictured below, is seen addressing members before embarking on her mammoth picture by picture assessments.

Opening of the Annual Exhibition 2021
Members have continued to work during the lockdown and the results of their efforts were on display on Saturday 13th November. While we were not able to have our paintings on the Gallery walls the new display looked good and much better than the use of easels a year or two back when our usual gallery space was unavailable.
The use of the similar wall covering as the Gallery helped the stands to blend in and
paintings appeared part of the fine works on display in the Shipley.
There were not as many visitors as some previous years, which was to be expected given the continuing Covid situation, but there were a lot of positive comments from speakers and visitors which hopefully will be reflected in sales.
The Exhibition was formally opened by the Mayor of Gateshead Cllr Dot Burnett who said she enjoyed her tour of the art works and felt they were of a very high standard. She was pleased to purchase two of the paintings.
Keith Millen, Director of Tyne & Wear Archives and Museums (T&WAMs) paid tribute to the Society’s tradition of art at The Shipley and the importance of the Gallery in serving the Gateshead community. He thanked the Gallery staff and in particular Jimmy Swaddle who had just hung his 39th Annual Exhibition of the Gateshead art Society. Jimmy, a long-time friend to the Society retires next Spring and will be missed by all.
Allan White thanked the T&WAMs for their efforts in producing the new mobile display walls to support the art works for the Exhibition. It is hoped they can be used as flexible exhibition space within the gallery over the coming years. The exhibition contained 85 works of art from 19 artists.
Finally, the Mayor congratulated three of the artists on the particular quality of their art work and presented commendations to Margaret Richardson and Joe McGregor. The third commendation to Anne Roberts was awarded in absentia.
Below the Mayor addressing the invited guests with speakers Keith Merrin the director of Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums. and Allan White Chairman of the Gateshead Art Society.
The Mayor presenting commendations to Joe McGregor (above left) and to Margaret Richardson at the opening event,
And below left, Mayor Cllr Burnett posing with part of the display and right, artists Clare Lovett and Margaret Richardson.

The Annual Exhibition, above, using the new display stands.
photos/words, J. Fulthorpe, W. Drea and A. White
Clare Money came to the on Shipley on the 6th March to give us an excellent demonstration in acrylic painting. Her presentation was entertaining and she produced a stunning and large art work in the short time available to her. It was a lesson in loose, big brush, expansive stroke painting but with a limited palette. The result was all the more impressive.

Untitled demo painting inspired by Holywell Dene, Seaton Sluice -by Clare Money.
The "Alla Prima" afternoon produced 9 entries. The vote was close with Margaret's seascape being chosen by the members as the winner.
Opening of the Annual Exhibition 2019
Cllr Michael Hood Mayor of Gateshead formally opened the 2019 Annual Exhibition of the Gateshead Art Society. The event attracted more than 300 visitors who enjoyed the food wine and relaxed conviviality of the opening.
Mayor Michael Hood presented "Highly Commended" awards to Joe McGregor, Harry Bell and Anne Roberts.

Presentations from left; Joe McGregor, Harry Bell and Anne Roberts. Among the artists present were exhibitors Sheila Lewis and Brian Wilson
photos, A White & J Fulthorpe
Clare Money
Clare came to the Shipley on Friday 27th Sept to give us a pastel demo. The subject matter was northern industrial landscape and although we did not get a photo of her mostly completed work a typical example is reproduced below (copyright)
Clare Money was brought up in Newcastle upon Tyne and now lives in Whitley Bay, Since graduating from Edinburgh College of Art, landscape has been the main inspiration for her work, particularly the ever-changing light and moods of the Northumberland coast. She demonstrated and entertained us for a couple of hours as she skilfully produced a stunning Tyneside scene in pastel describing her material preferences and methods all interspersed with anecdotes -not necessarily all related to art. A thoroughly enjoyable and inspiring afternoon.

Jane Veitch at The Shipley
Artist Jane Veitch came to the Shipley on Friday 29th March and gave us a presentation of her work . Jane's illustrated talk on landscape informed abstract painting was very well received by those who attended . If you missed the presentation and wish to see her work just click here on Jane Veitch to visit her web site.
Jane talked us through the influences and processes of her art and displayed many samples of her work in paintings, drawings and sketch books.
Below 'Beyond The Bothy', mixed media by Jane Veitch

Portraiture demo by Ted Taylor on the 15th February

Artist Ted Taylor being introduced to the members by John Fulthorpe prior to his portraiture demonstration at the Shipley Workshop .
photo A White
On Friday 15th Feb Ted Taylor was in the workshop to demonstrate to members the art of painting a portrait. John Fulthorpe recorded the progress of the work in pictures as Ted talked and painted his way to a successful conclusion. John's eleven photographs track the progress of the demo in detail. Should any members wish to have their own copies of the full sequential set he is happy to forward them to you -three of his photos are reproduced below.

Christmas Party
The members' gathering at the Shipley just before Christmas enjoyed food, drink, quiz (from John) and a Secret Santa. The group voted on art work subjects set in November and December and the awards went to Jenny for her interpretation of John Fulthorpe's set photograph - "Lake District" and to Margaret for the "Dickens Scene".
The winner of the "Peoples Choice Award" at the Annual Exhibition was announced and Aubrey Anderson received the inaugural trophy for his painting "Fossil Fuel".
Our annual trip this year was to Berwick-upon Tweed. A group from the membership visited the famous walled town on a showery Friday to walk its historic walls, visit its art galleries and take the many sketching opportunities offered by the architecture, the marine environment and the many riverside and town vistas. Shelter from the downpours was availed of in tea shops, cafes and under canopies or in doorways. Despite the interference of the weather, the conditions were dry enough to allow artistic efforts to get onto paper. Thanks go to Allan for organising the event and taking on the driving duties.
Sketch by Tim Griffiths

Brian Wilson's demonstration of charcoal portraiture.
photo A. White
Gateshead Focus Group Visit to Cherryburn
This second Focus Group visit (see also Gibside below) was to the birthplace of Thomas Bewick at Cherryburn, Mickley. The Art work was by Mark Fairnington and was installed in a small cottage in the farmyard of Cherryburn. After the tour of the house and site and seeing the artist's work (a series of small paintings), Niki Black of Newcastle University led a discussion on the relevance/suitability of the art for its location.
The 3rd and final visit by the Focus Group was to The Church of the Holy Trinity in East Sunderland. This work was a collaborative sound installation conceived and directed by artist Matt Stokes. It was a 46 minute piece for bells, voice and musical instruments and entitled "Gogmagog".
The group recommended all three artistic interventions visited which have now ended. For more on this see Members' Information

Art Installations in the cottage at Cherryburn
photos W. Drea & A. White
Gateshead Focus Group Members visit to Gibside
The visit was part of the research project being undertaken by Newcastle University and the National Trust into the siting of contemporary works of art in heritage sites.
The Members of Gateshead Art Society have volunteered to assist the research team.
The art works were by Andrew Burton (pictured below) and by Fiona Curran (not pictured)
Members viewing the art installations at Gibside
-photos J Fulthorpe
There were sketching opportunities and a couple are included here by Allan, (Gibside Cottage) and Willie, (Cherryburn Farmyard).

29th November 2024
Artist Christine Cave visited the exhibition in November to give us her views on selected works. Her observations and advice were wide ranging covering techniques in pastel painting, presentation and framing amongst others. It promptied many questions and debate on an enjoyable afternoon.
Below She is photographed in full flow with some of the group and also with Allan during a session of more than an hour and a half..

Outing to Unison Colour and Bellingham
Members perusing and listenening to the wonders of pastel manufacturing at Unison Pastels located in remote Northumberland.

Photos; A White, W Drea
The Exhibition Crit, December 2023

Critique of the 2023 75th Anniversary Annual Exhibition by Claire Money above and with Chairman Allan White.
18th August 2023Demonstration in Oil Painting by Michael Ewart
Michael gave us a demonstration and talk as he painted a cafe scene in oils from one of his own sketches. This became an entertaining two way conversation in the art of handling the medium and it both delighted and informed members over the two hour session. We look forward to seeing Michael again in the future.
Below are some photographs of Michael progressing through his work and some of the members in attendance taking it all in.
(photos by A.White and W. Drea)

Pen and ink drawing presented to us by Ann Dawson of Amble. It originally belonged to her grandfather Super-intendant Tom Spratt of the Alnwick Police.
Marshall Atkinson was one of the founder members of the GAS back in 1947.

Anne Dawson with Allan White and the drawing by Marshall Atkinson at the Shipley July 2023
Critique of the 2022 Annual Exhibition by Clare Money
Clare Money was our critical friend again this year as she enthusiastically cast her eye over this year's collection at the Shipley. She reviewed all the paintings but limited most of her time to the work of the artists who were there. For those who attended it was well worth the two hour session of observations and critique from an expert and well respected Northern artist. We hope to see Clare again during our 2023 programme for a demonstration.
-photos A.White

Opening of the 2022 Annual Exhibition at The Shipley Art Gallery (below)
The Mayor of Gateshead Cllr Dot Burnett with the Director of Tyne &Wear Archives & Museums, Keith Merrin and the Society vice chair John Fulthorpe.

The Mayor presenting the Highly Commended Awards to, from left, Anne Roberts, Jeff, Stamp and Tim Griffiths. click on Highly Commended paintings to see the them
The winner of the People's Choice Award this year was Jenny Dyson. Her painting ' Evening Snow, Low fell' received the most votes from the public.'
Pictured below, Winner Jenny Dyson with her winning painting 'Evening Snow, Low Fell'. See it full size by clicking HERE.

Some of the Exhibition's contributing artists (above)
Demonstration: Painting Industrial Landscapes 29th April 2022
Artist Clare Money spent an afternoon with us chatting about her art (and ours) while she demonstrated acrylic painting of local scenes. The first was in the old port area of Chamois (below right) and the second of a dockside crane nearby. The two hour session went in a flash and left us with two superb paintings from an accomplished local artist.

Photos A.White
Alla Prima Afternoon
The alla prima session at the Shipley workshop had an entry of 13 artists. The winner by artists' vote was the painting 'River at Ingleby' by Audrey Drynen. Congratulations to Audrey and we hope she enjoys the well deserved prize -a lindt chocolate Easter egg with truffles. The winning acrylic painting is reproduced below.

Retirement of Jimmy Swaddle from the Tyne and Wear Archives and Museums.
A small presentation took place at The Shipley Gallery to mark Jimmy's retirement from T&WA&Ms. The photographs, below, show the chairman of our Society, Allan White, thanking him for his valued help and contributions to the Society's work over nearly 40 years and presenting Jimmy with a printed memento of the Shipley, his work there and reproductions of 18 portraits completed by members of the Gateshead Art Society especially for the occasion.
Jimmy was invited to choose one of the portraits to take away He is photographed below right with artist Doug Stevenson holding the selected charcoal painting.
We warmly wish Jimmy well for a long and enjoyable retirement.

Photos; S.Lewis, J. Fulthorpe
Critique of the Annual Exhibition.
North East artist Clare Money visited the Shipley on December 3rd 2021 to view and review the displayed work of the Society. Members were pleased to find her observations over the 90 minutes period she spent analysing and commenting on each painting both instructive and supportive. Clare, pictured below, is seen addressing members before embarking on her mammoth picture by picture assessments.

Opening of the Annual Exhibition 2021
Members have continued to work during the lockdown and the results of their efforts were on display on Saturday 13th November. While we were not able to have our paintings on the Gallery walls the new display looked good and much better than the use of easels a year or two back when our usual gallery space was unavailable.
The use of the similar wall covering as the Gallery helped the stands to blend in and
paintings appeared part of the fine works on display in the Shipley.
There were not as many visitors as some previous years, which was to be expected given the continuing Covid situation, but there were a lot of positive comments from speakers and visitors which hopefully will be reflected in sales.
The Exhibition was formally opened by the Mayor of Gateshead Cllr Dot Burnett who said she enjoyed her tour of the art works and felt they were of a very high standard. She was pleased to purchase two of the paintings.
Keith Millen, Director of Tyne & Wear Archives and Museums (T&WAMs) paid tribute to the Society’s tradition of art at The Shipley and the importance of the Gallery in serving the Gateshead community. He thanked the Gallery staff and in particular Jimmy Swaddle who had just hung his 39th Annual Exhibition of the Gateshead art Society. Jimmy, a long-time friend to the Society retires next Spring and will be missed by all.
Allan White thanked the T&WAMs for their efforts in producing the new mobile display walls to support the art works for the Exhibition. It is hoped they can be used as flexible exhibition space within the gallery over the coming years. The exhibition contained 85 works of art from 19 artists.
Finally, the Mayor congratulated three of the artists on the particular quality of their art work and presented commendations to Margaret Richardson and Joe McGregor. The third commendation to Anne Roberts was awarded in absentia.
Below the Mayor addressing the invited guests with speakers Keith Merrin the director of Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums. and Allan White Chairman of the Gateshead Art Society.

The Mayor presenting commendations to Joe McGregor (above left) and to Margaret Richardson at the opening event,
And below left, Mayor Cllr Burnett posing with part of the display and right, artists Clare Lovett and Margaret Richardson.

The Annual Exhibition, above, using the new display stands.
photos/words, J. Fulthorpe, W. Drea and A. White

Untitled demo painting inspired by Holywell Dene, Seaton Sluice -by Clare Money.
The "Alla Prima" afternoon produced 9 entries. The vote was close with Margaret's seascape being chosen by the members as the winner.
Opening of the Annual Exhibition 2019
Cllr Michael Hood Mayor of Gateshead formally opened the 2019 Annual Exhibition of the Gateshead Art Society. The event attracted more than 300 visitors who enjoyed the food wine and relaxed conviviality of the opening.
Mayor Michael Hood presented "Highly Commended" awards to Joe McGregor, Harry Bell and Anne Roberts.

Presentations from left; Joe McGregor, Harry Bell and Anne Roberts. Among the artists present were exhibitors Sheila Lewis and Brian Wilson
photos, A White & J Fulthorpe
Clare Money
Clare came to the Shipley on Friday 27th Sept to give us a pastel demo. The subject matter was northern industrial landscape and although we did not get a photo of her mostly completed work a typical example is reproduced below (copyright)
Clare Money was brought up in Newcastle upon Tyne and now lives in Whitley Bay, Since graduating from Edinburgh College of Art, landscape has been the main inspiration for her work, particularly the ever-changing light and moods of the Northumberland coast. She demonstrated and entertained us for a couple of hours as she skilfully produced a stunning Tyneside scene in pastel describing her material preferences and methods all interspersed with anecdotes -not necessarily all related to art. A thoroughly enjoyable and inspiring afternoon.

Resting Place -Clare Money
Jane Veitch at The Shipley
Artist Jane Veitch came to the Shipley on Friday 29th March and gave us a presentation of her work . Jane's illustrated talk on landscape informed abstract painting was very well received by those who attended . If you missed the presentation and wish to see her work just click here on Jane Veitch to visit her web site.
Jane talked us through the influences and processes of her art and displayed many samples of her work in paintings, drawings and sketch books.
Below 'Beyond The Bothy', mixed media by Jane Veitch

Portraiture demo by Ted Taylor on the 15th February

Artist Ted Taylor being introduced to the members by John Fulthorpe prior to his portraiture demonstration at the Shipley Workshop .
photo A White
On Friday 15th Feb Ted Taylor was in the workshop to demonstrate to members the art of painting a portrait. John Fulthorpe recorded the progress of the work in pictures as Ted talked and painted his way to a successful conclusion. John's eleven photographs track the progress of the demo in detail. Should any members wish to have their own copies of the full sequential set he is happy to forward them to you -three of his photos are reproduced below.

Christmas Party
The members' gathering at the Shipley just before Christmas enjoyed food, drink, quiz (from John) and a Secret Santa. The group voted on art work subjects set in November and December and the awards went to Jenny for her interpretation of John Fulthorpe's set photograph - "Lake District" and to Margaret for the "Dickens Scene".
The winner of the "Peoples Choice Award" at the Annual Exhibition was announced and Aubrey Anderson received the inaugural trophy for his painting "Fossil Fuel".
Our annual trip this year was to Berwick-upon Tweed. A group from the membership visited the famous walled town on a showery Friday to walk its historic walls, visit its art galleries and take the many sketching opportunities offered by the architecture, the marine environment and the many riverside and town vistas. Shelter from the downpours was availed of in tea shops, cafes and under canopies or in doorways. Despite the interference of the weather, the conditions were dry enough to allow artistic efforts to get onto paper. Thanks go to Allan for organising the event and taking on the driving duties.

Sketch by Tim Griffiths

Brian Wilson's demonstration of charcoal portraiture.
photo A. White
Gateshead Focus Group Visit to Cherryburn
This second Focus Group visit (see also Gibside below) was to the birthplace of Thomas Bewick at Cherryburn, Mickley. The Art work was by Mark Fairnington and was installed in a small cottage in the farmyard of Cherryburn. After the tour of the house and site and seeing the artist's work (a series of small paintings), Niki Black of Newcastle University led a discussion on the relevance/suitability of the art for its location.
The 3rd and final visit by the Focus Group was to The Church of the Holy Trinity in East Sunderland. This work was a collaborative sound installation conceived and directed by artist Matt Stokes. It was a 46 minute piece for bells, voice and musical instruments and entitled "Gogmagog".
The group recommended all three artistic interventions visited which have now ended. For more on this see Members' Information

Art Installations in the cottage at Cherryburn
photos W. Drea & A. White
Gateshead Focus Group Members visit to Gibside
The visit was part of the research project being undertaken by Newcastle University and the National Trust into the siting of contemporary works of art in heritage sites.
The Members of Gateshead Art Society have volunteered to assist the research team.
The art works were by Andrew Burton (pictured below) and by Fiona Curran (not pictured)

Members viewing the art installations at Gibside
-photos J Fulthorpe
There were sketching opportunities and a couple are included here by Allan, (Gibside Cottage) and Willie, (Cherryburn Farmyard).